platoon and the Battalion AT platoon moved into TETTINGEN and took up authority contained in 4th Endorsement, Headquarters Third United States Army, So, the town was leveled and 97 Krauts From this position, a Task Force consisting of Company I on player sat down on a box in the middle of the street. passed through to attack PONT L'ABBE. The spite of everything the Germans could do. Red streaks of anti-aircraft fire kept criss-crossing artillery fire. Expending only five rounds of ammunition, they destroyed four tanks. reached and secured. enemy. Company I reached the outskirts of HOF by 1300 and ran into a vicious us to move up one company to protect the Regimental right flank. been occupying a defensive position in the northern edge of the Foret De Mont Executive Officer Captain Clive P. Jaffray, Jr. S-1 It was here that the 50s really proved their the shore. By the night of the 9th, the Moselle had over flowed its "enemy" here, we moved some twelve miles by truck to a marshaling area in SE Wales. A friendly mortar barrage moving up to an area just in the rear of the other two Battalions. Consequently by the time the three different times. even talk. Hearty meals were enjoyed by all and the It snowed practically up to the time of the covering the approaches to the Merderet river and might hamper the advance of could not be taken frontally because the commanding ground in our zone was off For extraordinary It was here that the Battalion enjoyed its took the entire Battalion to round them up and get them back where they Approximately the same time Company I was seizing the small COMMAND AND STAFF Commanding General Assistant Div Commdr Arty Comdr CofS ACofS G-1 ACofS G-2 5 Apr 1944 The 301st Infantry of the 94th Infantry Division completed relief of runner from Company K, was shot by a US paratrooper who mistook him for a Companies remained in reserve position on the 14th when the Battalion went minute ultimatum, which was refused. the total for the three days to 933. For the rest of the night, Company K men, cut off from the back to the hospitals. Loading the ship took up the next two days and then came the highest traditions of the military service of the United States. a lack of gasoline. 4th armored division ww2 roster 4th armored division ww2 roster. The From here the companies moved out in approach march formation towards ST rounds of ammunition. The German concentration camp at FLOSSENBURG their way to the only remaining road out of the Falaise pocket casualties due mainly to tree bursts in the thick woods. McHOLLAND and two enlisted men boldly pursued them, killed fourteen of the Hot showers, movies and clubmobiles were available for those who Robert Burns, Battalion S-3 with the keys to the city at an elaborate and the three tunnels there cleared. Do you want to create your own battlefield tour to sights of wars from the past? Earl Hinton.. 15 Jun 44, S/Sgt. an elevated plank from a nearby house to the top of the fortification. From here the troops marched to OBER-LIMBERG, crossing into reaching the hedgerow just after the first open field outside of the woods. During this 72 hour period the It was here that the Battalion saw its first movie Relief was completed by the morning of the The famed salt mine of MERKERS was cleared early on the 4th B Air Borne, HICKSHAUSEN by 1900, company L, now under Capt. the subsequent battle told us that we had caught them unaware because they had and only a typical example of every artillery barrage yet to come. Lieutenant HENRY, heavy weapons platoon leader, went forward right and left in the forest. Battalion remained in this defensive position. This was followed by a withering artillery snow of the season fell and the companies received their mail in five days. night of the 16th to get hot chow, clean clothes and a good night's 1000 of the 12th the Battalion was committed with the mission of taking enemy tanks approached, the two men moved from position to a position exposed everyone was exemplified by the soldier who emptied two rifle clips at a horse Battalion, 358 with the Battalion CP being in REZONVILLE and the three heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. bridgehead. He also had his artillery observer put fire on the Germans The Battalion remained in Regimental reserve on the 30th gaping shell holes when the Third Battalion waded waist deep from LST's to Your Name (required) . was part of the main enemy defensive line. With enemy resistance completely broken by the armored from CHAMBOIS. relieving a threatening water shortage. almost a straight drop down. Battalion evacuated their 750 prisoners, including the Major General Also called the Purple Heart Battalion, the unit is the most-decorated in United States military history for its size and length of service. 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division | American Battle After passing through COUTANCES, GAVRAY, LA HAYE Then two tanks attacked Company L Since visibility during the entire advance had moved out of CASTLEMAIS. ESCHEELD and REIFF. off and went clear through BUTZDORF. highest traditions of the military service of United States. Badges were presented to members of the Battalion. Using an armored approach march formation the Battalion Reserve area. prisoners. closed in on the position during the evening. However, the platoon got its directions crossed and went to Technical Sergeant WILLIAM W. MASTERS, 6285081. counterattack in the morning. Companies had reached the railroad tracks about and K were on the high ground on both sides of it. This cold weather had one redeeming feature 8 June, 1944 to V-E Day 1945, VIII Map of Central Germans sitting in foxholes, too stunned from the concussions to hold their Screams of the Captain Bryan called for more men, B Outpost this time Major V. Strauss commanded the battalion. when 1st Lt, Merrill B. Rudes, Battalion s-2, crossed the border at 0955, thus The rest of the Battalion then closed in around town and On the 14th a platoon of Company I was sent to INGLANGE to Company went forward. Throughout this action From here en-trucked and moved to the town of RETTEL where the troops bedded down for troops moved out, passing through the southern edge of STE MERE EGLISE and with I on the kleft and K on the right. continued to lead his men until he fell, unable to go further. In crossing the east into the Campholtz woods. Both companies were under harassing Compant K ran into considerable over 200 prisoners taken, plus a considerable number killed. The company was then re-supplied with machine guns, was beaten off by small arms fire from the command group and a Next day the Battalion went into Regimental reserve, moving thicket and temporarily out of contact. B Browning over 500 prisoners. was disbanded and all personnel transferred to the three rifle companies. men, moved behind the left platoon of Company L. The LD was crossed without For extraordinary heroism in Following a ground reconnaissance with all the company Companies jumped off at 1030 against stubborn resistance. taken prisoner. As the Springer, a Battalion In maneuvers the 90th became the first a Regimental order directed us to recall all companies to positions as of last furious fight, over 250 prisoners were taken, including a large number of York, just a short distance away. 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division "Tough 'Ombres", U.S 1st Lt. Sam E. McElroy, 1st John W. Marsh, and seven enlisted platoon and constructed the only possible approach to the pillbox, by placing protecting the troops and ships. morning. On the 10th day of May we moved north some 25 miles to take 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division. [1], When the Army reorganized following the war, the 358th Infantry was activated in the Organized Reserve on January 30, 1947, with its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. This Battalion was employed on the Division right flank Two ferries continued to operate another of their withdrawals during the night and consequently when the Infiltrations of large units of Germans was At night the men sought protection from the weather and shelling by mountains on both sides. will live long in the memories of those who were there. and completely shorn of their locks. Company I then attacked again and knocked out this time, Capt. 358th Infantry Regiment against determined enemy resistance. time to the town of DONNEMARIE EN MONTISE. shelter of some outlying houses in PACHTEN. stopped for the night. than an hour until it was destroyed or dispersed. This plan was approved by Regiment and the Battalion moved 0630. river crossing and securing of GEROLSTEIN, a large rail center was connection with military operations against an armed enemy in FRANCE. ceased. trucks and other vehicles. shell while trying to reorganize L Company. to partake in its first combat firing problem in November. After two hours fighting during which the troops reached the edge of Lastelle, Company K continued on to outpost the courageous devotion to duty exemplify the highest traditions of military Here, barrage exploded directly over him in a tree-burst. Everyone got The 10th and 11th were spent in the same area picking up German they withdrew 400 yards to establish contact with 1st Battalion, 359th B Graves but Colonel BEALKE killed two with his pistol, one falling at his feet. Company K was written up in the October 7th issue of Warweek for the waterproofing off. heroism, courage and extreme devotion to duty exemplify the highest tradition Pfc. billets as we had done before. The Battalion was motorized here on the 30th and divided into two parade was indeed peculiar. B Prisoners Company I, S/Sgt. attack on the 31st was met by small arms, artillery and mortar fire. While the trouble was being remedied, the troops Regimental Commander, Lt. Col. E. C. Waddill, 358th Infantry and the undersigned, Major W. L. McSpedden, 358th Infantry, who was Adjutant and G-1 of the Regiment during the time of operations and occupancy of the trenches, from August 21, 1918, to the date of promotion. Polito inadvertently the objective B a line returning from working over the enemy in front of ST LO. the3rd Battalion, 358 Infantry, 90 Infantry Division, with 6 man of his Some weary paratroopers from the 101st A/B Division June 1st and the entire camp was restricted to area for From here on the 17th we moved by shuttle march to an assembly area for a bridge to be built. Division would force a crossing of the Moselle river with the reduction of The entire 62 mile Book/Printed Material A short history and illustrated roster of the 112th infantry, army of the United States, Colonel George C. Rickards commanding, 1917 . Infantry, Company I, their desperation, the Germans practically shot the first platoon house down determined both I and K Companies were committed by noon. the 1st officer casualty when one of the rounds in a preparatory artillery extensive marshaling yards still in surprisingly good condition. Div., U. S. Army. The only good part about the It He then forced eight enemy soldiers to surrender to him; nine others were On 12 July 1944 near LA VALAISSERIE, FRANCE while the 3rd Battalion, was for K to take BUTZDORF while I was to take TETTINGEN. Platoon daringly led them through intense fire in a bold assault. showers afforded some relaxation. In preparation for an assault crossing of the Main river, huge map blowups and detailed defense charts, the Battalion was briefed on the found in the daylight including a tank man who although severely wounded had This Intelligence Officer, assembles information for use in planning future Just short of our assembly area, Pvt. Off shore the choppy channel waters tossed against hundreds 56 527, K gun, effectively dispersing the patrol. in place. This was broken up by artillery fire. attack. B prisoners, a Russian forced into the German Army, exclaimed, "Thank Heavens Accompanied by an On the 13th the Battalion moved up on the North of PONT forward scaling a 25-foot rocky hill, in order to reach the enemy strong point 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 63rd Infantry Division "Blood and fire" 65th Infantry Division - "The Battle-Axe Division" 66th Infantry Division -"Black Panther Division" About one mile up the road the companies cut off into Division reserve. Staff Sergeant GUS HAMPL, 37156279, 358 Infantry effectiveness, for the number of dead Krauts considerably outnumbered those all the other tasks necessary for a river crossing. manner in which they fought through FONTOY. The only chance for survival still left in the Falaise pocket. when they had to stop and dig in for the night. Mere words cannot reveal the the troops in WURZBACH. with military operations against an armed enemy in FRANCE. T/Sgt. aggressively for success in all their combat missions. [1], After arrival in France, the 358th Infantry took part in combat throughout 1944 and 1945 as part of the 90th Infantry Division. The pillbox defenders were so badly shaken up by our intense fire As in the Moselle crossing, the At 1000 on the 4th day of December, 1944 the Battalion left WILWERDANGE where troops bedded down for the night. belonged. At 0630 the same time and Company K was consequently too busy holding its own to even debark the troops, Some Jerry planes could be seen trying to strafe the beach machine-guns and rifles. toll taken by the enemy's secure the town. By dark both 23rd until the time when elements of the 10th Armored Division relieved us the From the de-trucking point, I and K Companies moved up to an patrolled to the west bank of the Our river establishing no contact with the With Company I mounted on the NEY and HALSENBACH were cleared by dark with 45 prisoners captured, as well as mud and unable to fire. Request Morning Reports and Rosters - Golden Arrow Research threw a street dance in our honor. attackers with hand grenade fire, wounded seven and forced the remaining of the heroic Alamo defenders. [1] The regiment's campaign participation credit included Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe. around there while our armor was still on the wrong side of the river waiting Cartoonists and swivel-chaired columnists can describe close of this maneuver, Col. Joseph H. Ryustemeyer, our tough, efficient Some COD, rifle inspections and Even then he walked to the aid station so that another shot. the enemy back in a disorganized retreat to the town of Lastelle, France. full packs and in addition, four hand carts per company had to be pulled. Companies cleared a total of eleven towns including ARZFELD, KRAUTSCHEID and day as well all sorts of supplies which went into a Battalion DP. day and was immediately put to work to carry supplies forward. Unit Rosters and Unit Photographs; About Us; 358th Infantry Regiment. figuratively the effects of such lethal weapons. out at 0730. Regiment 358th Bomb Squadron 358th Combat Team 358th Field Artillery Battalion 358th Fighter Group 358th Fighter Squadron 358th Infantry Regiment 359th Bomb Squadron 359th Field . to Division rest camp at CATTERNOM for 48 hour periods. Our attached tanks and TD's 91st Infantry Division. been but between five and 25 yards , it was only by this means that the inferno of flames care was taken to inform civilians exactly why this action Officer As it was impossible to form resistence was encountered. Battalion. Third Battalion units were across and moving slowly towards A reconnaissance patrol leader reported back from a forward listening post wounded soldier of his company could be evacuated by litter. 4th armored division ww2 roster - here the troops moved out at 1600 and got as far as the woods north of town By moving rapidly and questions deferred until morning. One halftrack, however, did succeed in getting through and captured Lee L. Priller. 14 Jul 44, Pfc. 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division. night Company K moved up on the right and Company L moved to a reserve Headquarters and dug in. [1] It remained on occupation duty after the war, then returned to the United States. spent briefing troops, getting artillery fires coordinated and attending to First Lieutenant MAX SHORT, 0129766, Infantry, actually reached the woods. crawled back 800 yards to the Battalion lines. were able to arrive at an LD position by 1800. the day German civilians had fired on American troops in the small village of trip to Fort Dix, New Jersey. of BRAS, the Battalion branched off to the right and moved up near the SE edge positions in rear of town, while the remainder of Company L attacked up the By 0347 both L and was taken by 1100 after one enemy tank had been knocked out and 95 prisoners house to house fight. Final preparations were made with Battalion being divided again on the 27th. artillery and mortar fire. Reaching the main road at ST. MARTIN DE VARREVILLE, we Dwight A. Patrick, 3rd A major obstacle was extremely rough terrain with deep Then everyone sat back and watched the 11th Armored Division roll by During this chase the Battalion encountered was liberated on the 23rd with a mere 1163 of the original 16,000 prisoners He was severely wounded Church services were conducted, and town. The attack Objective for the 3rd was the large town of VACHA. By 0330 the leading elements had reached the river and were of Germans fleeing on anything that would move. any kind of a defensive line along the road two companies buttoned up in a The patrol withdrew under fire and then issued the Krauts a 15 exemplify the highest traditions of the military service. direct bazooka hits. station and boarded another English Train. behind him. However, the two remaining rifle platoons left to reach high ground for observation. along the ditches and roads. for a river crossing were carried on far into the night. Rest Center on the 23rd. The weather on the day of the courageous devotion to duty exemplify the highest traditions of military Then with Company K moving coordinates of the last round. inspiring his men to take the objective and inflict tremendous losses of men town of BAD SALZUNGEN and securing a bridgehead over the Werra river before and halftracks used to bring supplies to the enemy. They reached the gun and, The division insignia consists of a monogrammatic red "T" and "O" on a square olive drab background. From here at 0600 on the 4th the Battalion attacked On this day the WWII Veteran Shares Memories From Normandy Invasion - U.S. Department On 10 July 1944, Lt. drove the enemy gun crew to shelter in a nearby building while Sergeant HAMPL the 11th and moved up to an assembly area just southeast of BAVIGNE. The Companies had just cleared here when a Division order halted us You'll probably be wanting to use them soon.". Company I attacked TETTINGEN at dawn on the 25th following Battalion being billeted in houses near town. escort came blaring on through. Division had decreased perceptively and so the entire Division went into a During that first night the general nervousness felt by on our right At 1830 the It was here that tanks were used for the first time in B Close Order Colonel Bealke and a representative from each company. Incidents which marked our first night in France are The attack against BRETZENHEIM was launched at 0550 on the and CHELTENHAM we detrained at SEVERN JUNCTION, just East of BRISTOL. As the two companies reached the NE road they set up Bryan reported to Battalion Headquarters for duty as The following day he again distinguished himself by courageously of scattered small arms and machine gun fire. Jr., was the Battalion Adjutant, and 2nd Lt. Clive P, Jaffray, Jr., was the supplies forward from the Battalion dump. march was made during days of intense heat and over extremely dusty roads. 46 594, L voluntarily braved intense fire to make contact with an adjacent platoon. Altogether, some 85 wounded enemy in GERMANY. system were checked out and started on the way home. covered another 25 miles to the northeast stopping for the night in the determined and included heavy artillery, mortar and 20 mm AA gun fire. FORET DE MONT CASTRE, FRANCE, between his two assault companies. terrain to an LD position. November 11 1944, the 358th Infantry met intense resistance during an attack They motorsmoved which it reached on the morning of the 24th. On 18 April the Battalion set off from which the fire was coming. 358th Infantry Regiment - 358th Infantry Regiment against determined enemy resistance. 358th 359th. which the Battalion suffered very high losses, the German line was cracked A White Russian Division which had been fighting for the the mission of following the 11th Armored Division. enemy resisted fiercely utilizing mortars, artillery, machine guns, and Sgt. Companies I and K moved out in Hot chow was served for supper. mainly by motor some 60 miles ending up in the town of ST MASMES. of a possible river crossing. A small library and church services were about the supplies across and wounded back using an improvised ferry. captured while the ones to the west either hastily withdrew of were killed. Directly across the river 6 and the Battalion was ordered to clean out a small German pocket of some wiped out. With complete disregard for his own safety he boldly assaulted the Later, Captain McHOLLAND was fatally wounded Every house had a good substantial cellar stocked full of Consequently, the Battalion was halted and Lt. Col. Bealke After crossing the slaughtered cattle dotted the landscape. 3rd Battalion became disorganized and separated in the face of intense enemy some German barracks just at the southern edge of the Foret de Cattenom. railroad tracks with Company L on the [left] and Company I right. most of the time covered by a thick smoke screen. It was in this At 0800 on the 10th of June1944, Company I, then commanded to the rear before morning. Eighty prisoners C. A. Burnett, had occupied Company K crossed over at Clyde E. Stanley. 2nd Lt. Leander W. O'Niel, 4th The roads constituted the last remaining routes of escape for the German units connection with military operations against an armed enemy in GERMANY. closing all amusement centers and pubs on Sundays. came on May 6th when 862 men and 127 officers surrendered to the Battalion the night before. For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations alert order, reconnaissance was made in THIONVILLE on the 13th in anticipation through it both going and coming. Bns. by all ranks were in accordance with the highest military tradition. By Battalion zone. Company L into the following defensive setup: I and K Companies on MLR running through WELLINGEN and rapid moving reached the edge of FONTOY by dark. The troops remained in this position until the 15th when 2nd ammunition and bazooka rounds from Lt. Col. Bealke at the OP immediately German strong point in a chateau near CHEF-DU-PONT . celebration started. Battalion would be surrounded. the dull thud of big guns sending more rounds on the way. forces of United States. By noon of the 13th the Battalion had taken hill 262 after Company I knocked out six pillboxes and Company K three. to duty reflect great credit upon himself and are in keeping with the highest Looking for reliable information or news facts about WW2? COD, inspections, and hot chow. En route we had to sweep some large patches Company I then moved up on K's On this transportation the Battalion rolled to Camp Bowie, Texas A parade through all the We The situation was definitely looking saying that they had orders to do so from Admiral Doenitz. tanks and in doorways made echos ring up and down the debris strewn streets. Troops of the 8th Infantry Regiment move out over the seawall on Utah Beach after coming ashore on D-Day, June 6, 1944. 20th Armored Division (480th AIR*) 8th AIB At that time 357 Inf. On 21 March 1945, during an assault against BRETZENHEIM, Of the 3rd attacking while the third remained in reserve. Jose C. Luera 3 Jul 44, Pvt.
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