I like having more choices than I get now. They were definitely one of the best cookies made!! Why were they ever taken off the market? Here's the link everyone, tell them about it! I always thought they should have packaged them as candy bars since that's basically what they were. How sad. It was fun watching everyone scramble, grab, and nearly fight over who was going to get the Bisco's sugar wafers. Nothing will ever compare to Ideal Cookies! I was hoping to put the Ideal Bar in my search engine and find them on line somewhere. Only much bigger Enjoy! It didn't stop me - and I would love an Ideal bar right now. susieb37@yahoo.com. They were his favorite and he used to dole them out like they were going extinctoh, they did!!!!!! That has never made sense to me! I just got finished telling my kids about the best cookie I ever had-the Ideal bar- and wondered what happened to them. I CAN REMEMBER WHEN OCTOBER CAME AROUND WE STARTED LOOKING IN THE GROCERY FOR IDEAL COOKIES. http://www.nabiscoworld.com/misccontent/contactus/contact.aspx?m=cu_form2&age=3&coppa=False&prod=True&sub=335 opps ;), My letter wasnt enough to bring em back, lets do this ppl :) Here's Nabiscos reply: Hi Dan, Thank you for visiting http://www.nabiscoworld.com and for your interest in Kraft Foods. I can see the package and taste those things right now. I want them back too, they were my favorite. Maybe I will try making them myselfhaaha.might take a few thousand tries. These cookies were literally like crack. I have tried to find these cookies and can not find them any where. I still hunt for them from time to time. The assortment packs included several types of cookies and were marketed for families or parties because of the variety they offered. Go figure! Surely we can get a comeback?? Little Debbie has Peanut Butter Crunch Bars that are very very close to the Ideal Bars. Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week. I enjoyed reading everyone's comments - these cookies were the BEST and I can still remember their taste. Nothing compares. There was only one store in our little town that carried them. I can't go in to the cookie isle without looking for them. They were great to have on hand whenever company came over. I have been watching for those Ideal Bars for years and did not realize that Nabisco had quit making them. I also had sent Nabisco a email to bring them back, but alas not yet. Still crave them . If I have to bake them myself in order to enjoy them again, I DON'T MIND, because it would be worth the time in the kitchen making them from scratch, by hand!!!!! I just wrote this letter to Nabisco: There is an army of us who would love to see you bring back your Ideal cookie bars that you discontinued perhaps some 30 years ago. They were such a treat and bring back such fond childhood memories! I loved those cookies. Ideal Sandwich Cookies were among the "Best of Nabisco"! I am so happy to know that there are this many people that loved the IDEAL bars like me. 1901 The name Nabisco is first used as part of a name for a sugar wafer. Always watching for them at the grocery store. I call Nabisco every year and ask them when they are going to start making Ideal Cookie Bars again. I remember my sister's boyfriend was incredulous (although he should not have been given stories that I have since heard). Growing up in the 60's, my mom would splurge every now and then and buy them--what a treat. Then I just took one, so he could not be sure if his count was off one. Missed by everyone in my family and we would give almost anything to have a taste of those wonderful treats. Best cookie ever !! O. O U. U U U UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I use to eat them all the time and was sad when they stopped making them. Oreo factory shutdown: Mondelez to close N.J. Nabisco plant, but says Bacon flavored Ritz Crackers are flaky and delicious with a savory taste thats perfect for pairing, topping, or popping. I love that there are so many Ideal bar addicts out there. I encourage all you IDEAL fans to reach out to Nabisco too. I am going to email cis@nabisco.com (found this email address on another website of other people begging for this cookie to come back). I have to do a thorough search in the cookie aisle a couple of times a year. google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; I remember the ideal bar as a kid and a quick snack when traveling across the nation or mom packing them in our lunch. I had always kept an eye out for these and time to time I would find them (and buy a few boxes!!! One of my all time favorite cookies in the whole world!!!!! Someone needs to start a facebook group. If Nabisco R & D folks actually took the time to read these comments, they just might realize they could make a product that would put the "Peanut Butter" cup in the trash forever. They were by far the best store bought cookie EVER made. Please, oh please, bring them back. Come on Nabisco, BRING THEM BACK!! They are as close to the Ideal cookie that I have ever found. Those cookies and a COLD glass of milk.makes me tear up just thinking about them. It's a crime! But I was really let down. You know how they sometimes can find the recipes to old stuff and remake they do it. Craft/Nabisco (877)535-5666. See. I copied the link above someone posted and left the same story to nabiso, if everone does this, we might have a chance!! Reminds me of my mom, too. I loved them, too! I'm emailing them as we speak. So i made the recipe as per instructions, with only one change: swapping in a cup of rice flour for the cup of potato flour. ), but they would not last on the shelves. Fan of SnackWell's Devil's Food Cookie Cakes grapples with new version How I wish we could still buy them. I'll send a link to my sister. In 1882, the entrepreneur Jacob Loose bought a biscuit and candy company that would eventually be known as Sunshine Biscuits (after the companys baking plant designs) and, in 1908, launched the biscuit sandwich known as Hydrox. Just go and like the Facebook page "Bring Back the Nabisco Ideal Cookie Bars". Pretty close! They were hands down THE BEST cookies EVER made!!!! PLEASE Nabisco!!!! Oreo was one of three cookies introduced by Nabisco on April 2, 1912, with the other twothe Mother Goose biscuit and the Veronese biscuitnow lost to history. They were the best. Please Nabisco bring back the Ideal cookie, Check this out. Gonna have to visit the Kraft foods site and ask for them back. I'll bet Elvis did too! Bring back, Bring back, Bring back that cookie to us, to us (Sung to the tune of, Oh, you'll get it:) If Anyone has a Recipe, Please Publish It! This site was so fun to find. "So . One of the best cookies ever made. I have tried to find an alternative over the years, to no avail. I hadn't been able to find those for years either, but found one today (hooray! I would base my weekly calorie intake around these cookies! The truth was a bit more complicated, however. Please, please consider bringing them back!! I can still taste them and remember the orange and clear cellophane package. LET US ALL PROMISE TO CALL NABISCO AND PLEAD FOR THEM TO BRING BACK THIS COOKIE. google_ad_width = 120; Oh how I miss that Ideal cookie! Nadeau was probably pleased, when in 2015, Hydrox made a comeback. Oh man, Words Cant Describe how much I loved Ideal Bars.Its great so see how many people besides myself are obsessed with those little crunchy pieces of heaven. I will write to Kraft. For the sake of money, some men will destroy goodness. I am going to keep trying and contacting them. Thats not to say that Hydrox didnt have natural advantages. "You have to have the right. It will be worth it. He's not a peanut butter fan, so I don't think he really cares if Nabisco brings them back. I would love to be able to see him try one for the first time! BRING THEM BACK. I don't care which aisle it's in just bring it back. Come on Nabisco make our day!! It just hit me like a ton of bricks. I thought about these cookies last night and made a note to Google them to see if they're still made. Then she'd say, "Now, Peter, you know that four is your limit." My family still brings up these delicious cookies and wonders why Nabisco doesn't make them anymore It's Time to write Nabisco, Best cookie ever! Along with that - bring back pudding pops! I am your biggest fan. They might look up that stats every year and laugh but did they stop to think there is a new generation of peanut butter cookie lovers out there. I grew up on them as treats and have been looking for them for YEARS!!!!!!! Devour is the word that someone used on this thread, and I have to say, I totally understand where you are coming from. I thought they might only be a local New England product but see now it was nation wide. I would love to have them back. Hands down the #1 cookie of all time. Here's the Kraft customer service number: 877-535-5666 or you can email Nabisco: cis@nabisco.com Take a couple of minutes and make the request. Bring the discontinued cookies I've spoken so passionately for back as a "Classic" or "Vintage" brand. While no where as good as the origional Ideal Bars, they are worth it, for a stared population of Ideal cookie fanatics !! My parents both worked for Safeway in Va. we loved those peanut butter cookie bars in the orange and brown wrapped rectangular box. They used to be on the shelf next to the pinwheels, Why Nabisco still makes pinwheels and not ideal bars us beyond me. Please bring them back. My mother bought the Ideal peanut butter bars for my father (I don't know why he was allowed to hog them). My grandmother used to always have Ideal cookies in her cabinet when she lived in Arizona. Last time I had these was 4/17/80, my birthday, and I'm still dreaming about them 30 years later bring em back! You would think in the year 2010 they could figure out some solution to the melting problem. She used to hide them so us kids wouldn't eat them all. Some things should never have been changed, and this was one of them! Nothing compares!!! Please, Nabisco, bring them back! PLEASE BRING THEM BACK NABISCO. Then about seven years ago I found Little Debbies Peanut Bars and a 30 year void in my life has been lifted. "Correction" I called this Cookie a candy bar in my rush..my apologies. When I was a kid I used to be a pretty good actor. These were definitely the best cookies. The tough part comes when we have to share the news that the product you're trying to find has been discontinued. They were better than the Oreo with peanut butter in the middle, and that is saying a lot because I love those Oreos. Nabiso failed when they discontinued this winner. Visit a sweet shop selling one of the first candies ever made and sold in America. Wow, I was checking the internet to try to find the recipe for my mom since she said they do not make them anymore. I was thinking of a nice surprise that I could get my two sisters who will soon be turning 50. If anybody ever hears of a petition please email me. They were expensive in the 70;s and our family had tight money, but we got these. C'mon, Nabisco!!! There is nothing close to them. These were my favorite treat as a child! There were air gaps between the various layers of the one cookie I ate so far. I agree, Ideal Bars were the BEST! The following are comments left about Ideal Cookies from site visitors such as yourself. She said they were expensive so we couldn't always get them, but I always tried. Will have to try another e-mail address. It was child abuse I tell ya. I often times tell my family about this cookie. an update: I just received a msg indicating that my note referenced above was not deliverable to "cis@nabisco.com". Alas, everything Good in life either disappears or changes. Finally I googled and found this site. I'm not a Facebook person but why doesn't someone set up friend of Ideals page and start a 2010 size campaign to get Nabisco to reintroduce this classic to the millions of cookie eaters who were born after the Ideal plug was pulled. I remember his yelling about the peanut butter bars, and I would feign ignorance. One glassful was good for 3-4 cookies. They will make tons of $$$ dough on this cookie annually. Cannot understand why Nabisco will not bring them back. won't give an experimental 6-month return of the IDEAL BARS. and spent my little savings on another package. They were my absolute fav cookie and I can almost taste one! Maybe they didnt make enough profit or something. I can still taste them. Nutter Butter is an American sandwich cookie brand, first introduced in 1969 and currently owned by Nabisco, which is a subsidiary of Mondelez International. evenings watching TV and eating a package of them with Daddy & cold white milk. These teeth-melting treats were promoted heavily, but disappeared after a few years. OK, so what WAS it about the Ideal bars? However, Reeses sticks are too sweet and less rich than the Idea Bar. They were too good to have just one, just two - maybe four!!! I too have longed for these Ideal cookie bars. I was in elementary school and my Mother used to buy these cookies for herself and give us kids two and hide the rest. I'm 51 years old now, and my only fear is that if Nabisco ever introduces this cookie again, I would promptly buy a couple of packages of them, pour a nice glass of cold milk, eat through the first package, and probably a few of the second. please nabisco,start making ideal cookies again, Hello good folks, have had a time with my momery, and can you believe after (3) years the name of this cookie finally came to me, it was the "IDEAL", these cookies were made in the 60's also, and looking on the shelves, and going to hundreds of grocery stores I could never find them. I cannot believe the number of people who remember these cookies! I wish I or someone could buy the reciepe and bring them back. She would check out with a half full package. I would eat the top off and then eat the peanut butter inside and then the bottom. These were the BEST cookies EVER!! i.ve been looking for those ideal bars everywhere.when i was younger i used to babysit i took my money and go to the store and buey ideal bars and eat the whole package they were so good.i wish they would bring them back!!!!!!!!!! If a petition would work, let's get one going! Pleeeeease bring them back! I looked up the # myself to be sure I was calling the right place. Golderberger had some thoughts on the Hydrox, too. I have been looking for these cookies for years now! My husband raves about Ideal cookies. Well being a creative kid I scrounged all the coke bottles and pennies in the house that I could find and returned them with a wagon and got more cookies. Keebler created a weak version. It seems like the best things are often inexplicably taken away or discontinued. Wow, I had no idea "THEY" were gone forever, I thought they were just lost. How can those gawdawful Nilla wafers survive all these years while the ultimate cookie -- the Ideal Bar -- is retired? I would, I loved them. I'm looking for a cookie that my dad and I used to eat when i was little I belive they were Heydays or maydays similar to a 1000 Grand bar with wafer cookie and carmel and rice krispies does anyone remember??????? OMG I miss Ideal Bars! Aside from this, I remember not only the great flavors of those treats but the sheer QUALITY of them and all of Nabisco products. ideal cookies were the absolute best! NABISCO..PLEASE BRING THE IDEAL COOKIES BACK!!!! Like everyone else I LOVED these cookies. My favorite cookie ever! Buy the Grandma's peanut butter sandwich creme cookies or Nutter Butter, but Grandmas is better to get the taste. An eye-opening journey through the history, culture, and places of the culinary world. Nabisco, please bring them back!!! I also love these cookies. "Ideal Bars" were the BEST!!! Please, Nabiscobring them back. More information. The peanut butter was kind of salty and my brother and sister and I could eat a whole pack of them. Since were so loved there is no doubt they would be a best seller. Nabisco, please bring back my most favorite cookie of all times. Another brand recently introduced a snack that looks just like Ideal Cookies but not even close to the original taste. Ideal bars were the best store-bought cookies ever made. This TEMPLE OF ANSWER that i met on this was my God of savior please contact them now if you are having same problem email is templeofanswer@hotmail.co.uk phone number is +2348155425481. Please bring this cookie backit's been gone way too long!! Once this decision is made, we stop making the product and the remaining supply is shipped from our warehouse to the grocery stores. nostalgia) things are "In" right now. I would love for my grandchildren to experience the best taste I have EVER tasted in my lifetime! I just got home from the store. Im 49 and that was the best cookie ever made lets all call Nabisco i would buy the recipe if they'd sell it to me damn i loved them cookies. One time my sister's boyfriend was over and things were a bit tense. NABISCO, WHY DID YOU STOP MAKING THEM???!!! Ideal chocolate Peanut Bars were the best cookie product ever produced. They will SELL, SELL, SELL!!!! I'd BEG the president of Nabisco to re-introduce them, if it would do any good! Nabisco kept the other fruit-flavored Newtons (raspberry, strawberry). But the cookies design, which was initially sold with an exotic English biscuit twist, was pretty interesting for its era: With an industrial press from a mold, the cookie took on the look of a flower. Ideal ,One of the best cookies ever on the store shelf ! I recall that from late 60's to late 70's my mom would buy the cheap "kiddie" cookies for us, and Ideal Peanut Butter Bars for herself, which she would keep in the fridge. Feast or famine was my and three other siblings lives due to my fathers dreams and my mom chose to buy Ideal cookies with the last few dollars left one week because we loved them that much! I think the chocolate was dark if I remember correctly. The Ideal Bars by Nabisco was the best cookies that one could buy from the store. Not sure if he'd appreciate me telling the world, but he used to bite each end off and then dip the cookie in milk, suck milk through the cookie and then eat the cookie when it became soft. I would love Nabisco to bring this delicious chocolate delightful cookie back! They've become extinct. There will always be room in this world for more chocolate and peanut butter. Chill dough for about an hour. In an even more fundamental fashion, however, the Oreos form leaps across stylistic boundaries.. Really, we would all buy them if they would just bring them back, I would love one right now!!! Round cookies make easy snacks for kids and adults Baked cookies with a classic crispy texture for a satisfying crunchy snack Ideal for sweet snacks or desserts Specifications Contains: Soy, Wheat May Contain: Peanuts, Tree Nuts Filling: No Filling State of Readiness: Ready to Eat Package Quantity: 1 Bakery topping: Brown Sugar The company started as a bakery in Massachusetts in 1792, baking and selling biscuits called "pilot bread" for sailors on sea voyages. I believe Nabisco stopped manufacturing Ideal Bars because the chocolate the recipe called for was too costly to make. It was the best store bought. Contact Kraft/Nabisco and let them know that there are LOYAL Nabisco customers that want to BUY Ideal Bars! My sister and I wear talking about these cookies and I had to google them. As the others have said I can't believe that we all have been craving Ideal Peanut Butter Logs. Yup, I've been craving them for years now and, alas, still no Ideal like an ideal. Us kids would rip the package open and eat every single one; I'm sure my Mother got tired of us finding her hiding places in the kitchen. please bring back the ideal cookie--PLEASE-- the closest i have tasted is the tagalong cookie from girlscouts. I, TOO, LOVED Ideal Bars growing up and into adulthood. Over 70% of the cookie aisle from ALL cookie manufacturers is taken up by CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!! Again, thanks for contacting us, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy our products. I still look for them at the store too! Loved Ideals-The Very Best! Get the word out and maybe, just maybe we'll see the BEST cookie resurrected. Memories at my grandmothers came flooding back. There was just one problem. Reeses' stix are not the same but still evoke some of the same taste. We would just laugh and have THE BEST time. Too bad for me. Not like any other cookie . They were his favorite. If someone else beats you to the punch, it's your loss, and our gain. Then later they came in a dark brown package (and seemed to have lost something then). Ideal cookies were my favorite, too. Absolutly loved 'em and as kids growing up in the 70's fought over them. Ideals were what I thought of! The peanut butter part of the Ideals was slightly salty, and that is what made it so good. I've thought about them for years and could not understand why they are no longer available, OMG!!!!!!!!!! I miss them. Fabulous product. Anyway, these little growths were easy to bite off, and would lend a fairly pure chocolate experience, one that only hinted of the peanut butter explosion that loomed on the not-so-distant horizon. Thanks. The rest, as they say, is history. See, the reason these were the BEST cookies is because they were slightly salty AND sweet. Agreed. Get the peanut butter filled pretzel bits from Trader Joe's and dip them in melted dark chocolate. I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. Well once upon a time my Mom bought these cookies and I faked being sick to stay home from school so I could find where she hid them. My Dad started hiding them in the hall closet, but we still found them!!! The best cookie ever - my Ohio farm raised husband never tasted one. I thought I was the only person who could remember these cookies! i didnt no they stopped making them i thought they were hard to find because they didnt make enough.i dont even buy cookies anymore they s__k that was the only cookie.
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