famous descendants of george soule

Allrightsreserved. Robert married Martha Lohr. Francis Cooke, Isaac Allerton, Mary Norris, Mary Allerton, and Degory Priest, Peter Seeger (May 3, 1919 January 27, 2014) was an American folk singer and social activist. George Soule (Mayflower passenger) - Wikipedia SOULE FAMILY Descendants of GEORGE SOULE - RootsWeb Become an American Ancestors.org member to access this biography and over 40,000 more records in the searchable online database of The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to N.E. [1][4][26], First in 1642 and last in 1662, he was assigned to at least five grand and petty juries. ELIZABETH SOULE, b. say 1645 (fined for committing fornication 3 March 1662/3 [PCR 5:34]; sued Nathaniel Church 5 October 1663 for refusing to marry her [PCR 7:111]; ordered whipped 2 July 1667 for committing fornication a second time [PCR 5:162]); m. by 23 July 1668 Francis Walker [MD 27:39-40, citing PCLR 3:126]. John married Rebecca Simmons about 1664 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. [1][4][26], In the 1643 Able to Bear Arms (ATBA) List, George and his son Zachariah (listed as "Georg" and "Zachary") appear with those bearing arms from Duxbury (written as "Duxbarrow"). In 1877, when she was 72, two burglers entered her room. Committee on boundaries 1 June 1658 [PCR 3:138]. About Me. Posted in green, white, red flag horizontal, on 27 November 2021, by , baby's first christmas ideasgreen, white, red flag horizontal, on 27 November 2021, by George Young's lineage was noted in this 1771 obituary. In 1844, when the General conference sought to dispose Bishop James O. Anderson, for his connections with slavery, Soule held that it violated the constitution which he himself had written. EDUCATION: Signed his name as witness to the will of John Barnes of Plymouth, 6 March 1667/8 [MD 4:98, citing Scrapbook 56]. In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle George Sowle, Mary Sowle and Zakariah Sowle were the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth persons in the ninth company [PCR 12: 12]. FamousKin.com cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of these sources. Jury, 3 June 1656, 3 March 1662/3 [PCR 3:102, 7:108]. Home of the descendants of mayflower passenger George Soule Joseph married Mary Peterson about 1710. Some of the most recently added connections of famous kin for George Soule Gene Roddenberry Creator of Star Trek 8th great-grandson Paget Brewster TV Actress 10th great-granddaughter Kristen Wiig TV and Movie Actress 10th great-granddaughter Mary Winthrop Gooding Prolific Mayflower Descendant 6th great-granddaughter Vanessa Hudgens Zachariah was born by May 1627 and died in Duxbury before 11 December 1663. The codicil warned son John that if he disturbed daughter Patience, then Patience was to have the house and lands at Duxburrow. John Soule (1632-1707) 1644 in Plymouth Elizabeth, born ca. Patience was born about 1646 and died on 11 March 1705/6 in Middleboro. [4] Researcher and author Louise Walsh Throop considers Ridlon occasionally reliable, as the second volume was printed in haste. 4 p. 10 (Autumn 2009), Craig S. Chartier, "Of Plymouth Plantation: Predicting the Location of the Original Plymouth Village, Its Extent, and Its Houses," PARP May 2016, www.plymoutharch.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/leyden-st-houses.pdf, George Soule of the Mayflower and his descendants for Four Generations, by John E. Souel, Milton E. Terry and Robert S. Wakefield, Second Edition, Boston:Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1995, pg. He was 6 feet tall,musculer,had wide cheek bones, a high forehead, and a head so large that it was necessay to have extra size hats manufactored for him. Soule MayflowerHistory.com In 1651, Gov. apiece; "forasmuch as my eldest son John Soule and his family hath in my extreme old age and weakness been tender and careful of me and very helpful to me, and is likely so to be while it shall please God to continue my life here, therefore I give and bequeath unto my said son John Soule all the remainder of my housing and lands whatsoever"; to "my son John Soule all my goods and chattels whatsoever"; "my son John Soule to be my sole executor." Sarah was born on 25 Oct 1714 and died on 28 Apr 1737 in Yarmonth. Although his parents were Presbyterians, Joshua in 1797 joined the Methodist Episcopal church and in 1799 at the age of seventeen, was admitted on trial to the New York Conference. His children migrated to Michigan starting with Alexander in 1858. On the agreement, dated 26 October 1626, his name appears as "Georg Soule. It was published, without any signers' names appended, several times after 1620. (#6542) FamousKin.com. The young woman known to Plymouth Colony history as "Marie Buckett" arrived in Plymouth in July 1623 as a single woman passenger on the ship Anne. famous descendants of george soule - boomermna.com Home of the descendants of mayflower passenger George Soule Welcome to Soule Kindred! William married Rebecca Hardy. Martha was born about 1679 and died on 16 Feb 1758 in Middleboro, Massachusetts. and Milton E. Terry, PhD-Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants. It is known that George came on the Mayflower and was credited to the household of Edward Winslow as a manservant or apprentice, along with Elias Story and a little girl Ellen More, who both died in the first winter. Committee to draw an order concerning the disorderly drinking of tobacco [! He married: Nathaniel was born between 1634 and 1646 and died in Dartmouth before 12 October 1699. Menu. William was born on 30 Jun 1854 in Murry Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada and died on 14 Feb 1913 in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan. George married Fanney E. Badley on 2 Feb 1887. Therefore, when at the Louisville Convention in 1845, the Methodist Episcopal Church,South was organized, Soule was present and gave approval to its work. Richard Warren, Francis Cooke, George Soule, Samuel Fuller, Francis Eaton and his wife, Sarah, Francis Billington, John Billington and his wife Ellinor, Degory Priest, Stephen Hopkins, Elizabeth Fisher, Jacob Cooke, Francis Cooke, William Brewster and his wife, Mary, Richard Tiffany Gere (born August 31, 1949) is an American actor and humanitarian activist. He came as a teacher to Edward Winsows children. The family tree for George Soule should not be considered exhaustive or authoritative. Famous Descendants | Mayflower Heritage and History Mercy was born on 11 Nov 1721 in Marshfield, Massachusetts and died on 5 Dec 1808 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Alec Baldwin is descended from John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, and John Howland Alexander Rae Baldwin III (born April 3, 1958) is an American actor, writer, producer, and comedian. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. John was born about 1632 and died in Duxbury before 14 November 1707. Assessed 9s. The codicil states that if John disturbed Patience, then Patience would receive the house and lands at Duxbury, and she would be the sole executrix of his will. Susanna was born about 1640 and died in Kingstowne, Rhode Island after 1684. Read more, is descended from Read more, is descended from References George Soule (c1593-1678)/List of Famous Descendants MainTour Plymouth Colony George Soule - MayflowerHistory.com George Soule Mayflower Passenger - Wikipedia William Mullins and his wife, Alice, Priscilla Mullins, John Alden and Thomas Rogers, Zachary David Alexander Efron (born October 18, 1987) is an American actor and singer. He was an excellant administrator and was recognized as an authority on polity. [19], On 11 November 1620, Soule and others signed the Mayflower Compact. George was born about 1639 and died in Dartmouth before 22 June 1704. Susan married Cyrus Ludington, son of Joseph Ludington and Sarah Jane Dibble, on 18 Apr 1890. General Notes:Bur.Valley Cem. Caroline married John Umphrey on 18 Mar 1875. 1637 in Plymouth George, born ca. He died on 15 May 1706 in Middleboro. They were the parents of at least 7 sons and 2 daughters. in the Plymouth tax lists of 25 March 1633 and 27 March 1634 [PCR 1: 10, 27]. famous descendants of george soule - kongpow.store Luther married Abigail Kersey. Maries origins are unknown; she died at Duxbury, in December 1676. George Soule traveled on the Mayflower as a servant to Edward Winslow. Soule Kindred programs and activities include: famous descendants of george soule. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. George was a signer of the Mayflower Compact, on 11 November 1620 while the ship was anchored at Provincetown Harbor. Mary was born in 1668 and died in 1741. William married Grace Berrend. Promote your business with effective corporate events in Dubai March 13, 2020 In the 1627 Division of Cattle she is listed with her husband George and young son "Zakariah" as " Mary Sowle. [26], The 1638 land records note that "one acre of land is granted to George Soule at the watering placeand also a parcel of Stony Marsh at Powder Point, containing two acres." In list of 7 March 1636/7 freemen [PCR 1:52]. And if such happened, Patience would then become the executor of his last will and testament with virtually all that he owned becoming hers. George often served as juror and was frequently on committees for Duxbury as a deputy. Petit jury, 1 June 1647 [PCR 2:117]. 29 May 1670 Plymouth Colony lists of freemen. Mary was born about 1858. She ordered them out. Until 1820 the presiding elders had been appointed by the bishops and not the preachers. Alexander married Mary Teabo on 21 Aug 1878. Homer was born on 17 Jan 1869, died in 1939 in Sandusky, Michigan and was buried in Zion Cemetery. Meriness was born on 31 Dec 1842. To put his youngest daughter to inherit his estate ahead of his eldest son would have been a major humiliation for John Soule. The worst was yet to come after arriving at their destination when, in the space of several months, almost half the passengers perished in the cold, harsh, unfamiliar New England winter. George Soule and family moved to Duxbury very early on, and he was a deputy to the Plymouth Court for a number of years beginning in 1642. These sources are attached to each ancestor so that you can personally judge their reliability. William was born on 30 Sep 1824 and died on 29 Dec 1895. George Soule (c1593-1678) | Familypedia | Fandom [26][28], On 20 October 1646 Soule, with Anthony Thatcher, was chosen to be on a "committee to draw up an order concerning disorderly drinking (smoking) of tobacco." John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Richard Warren, Stephen Hopkins, Giles Hopkins, William Brewster and his wife, Mary, and Henry Samson, Sarah Louise Palin (ne Heath; born February 11, 1964) is an American politician, commentator, and author who served as the ninth Governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009. On 7 May 1638 one acre of land was granted to George Soule "at the watering place" in lieu of another acre which was taken from him for other use, and also two acres of stony marsh at Powder Point were granted to him [PCR 1:83]. Alice was born about 1711 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. RootsWeb is funded and supported by General Notes:Samuel W. soule is a dealer in livestock in Applegate,Michigan. However, recent DNA testing has now shown this Bedfordshire Soule family was not the direct ancestor of George Soule. george soule famous descendantsbuckethead last concert. Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person. But this man Georg Soule, is still living and hath *8* children". He served as a pioneer iteinerant and presiding Elder in New England until 1816. Mayflower ancestries sourced from the following: 19962020 New England Historic Genealogical Society. The Soule Family - General Society of Mayflower Descendants 2011. pp. All Rights Reserved. He came to America on the Mayflower and was a signer of the Mayflower Pact. [1] He was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact . Children from this marriage were: 27 M i. Zeruiah Soule was born on 2 Nov 1705. Committee to draw an order concerning the disorderly drinking of tobacco [! Martha was born about 1874. In 1842 he was fraternal messenger to the British and Irish Weseyan Conferences. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, and John Howland, Alexander Rae Baldwin III (born April 3, 1958) is an American actor, writer, producer, and comedian. The blog of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. [MD 2:83]. FamousKin.com cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of these sources. Judith K. Jarvis, Susan L. Levin, Donald N. Yates, Arthur Hertzberg, The Jews in America: Four Centuries of an Uneasy Encounter: a History (1997), pg. Soule researchers have extended their lineages to seven generations on some lines in the Mayflower Families in Progress (MFIP) "pink books.". Committee on boundaries 1 June 1658 [PCR 3:138]. Read more, Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 July 2, 1961) was an American novelist, short story writer, and journalist. famous descendants of george soule Kenelm Winslow, brother of Edward Winslow, Susan Alexandra Weaver (born October 8, 1949), known professionally as Sigourney Weaver, is an American actress. He was granted a garden place on the Ducksborrow side by Powder Point in 1637 and other lands there in 1638. Mary was born about 1592 and died in Dec 1676 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Aaron married Mary Wadsworth before 1699. General Notes:Samuel and Elizabeth left Avon,Maine by horse and wagon with thier young children for Michigan sometime around 1837. She married Francis West by 1660 and had nine children. Aaron next married Lydia Peterson on 26 Dec 1733 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Trending; . The 22/May/1627 Division of Cattle includes George Sowle, Mary Sowle and Zakariah Sowle. Read more, is descended from On 1 July 1633 he was granted "mow for a cow near his dwelling house" [PCR 1:15]. Samuel took up farming there until his death. Soule Kindred Newsletter Volume 43 No. Susan was born on 1 Sep 1839 in Devinshire, England, died on 2 Feb 1920 in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan and was buried in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material [7] Thus, based on this belief, and for five years ending in 2009, noted Mayflower researcher and biographer Caleb Johnson managed a fairly intensive search for Soule's English origins; he examined a number of likely 'George Soules' in various parts of England and subsequently concluded that the most promising candidate of all the 'George Soules' he reviewed was that of Tingrith, Bedfordshire, baptized in February 1594/5. ResearchGeorge Soule "Silver Book" ProjectGeorge Soule ResearchMary Beckett ResearchSKA DNA ProjectSoule Descendants. Lucy married William Alexander Hall, son of Alexander Patrick Hall and Catherine McAuley, on 16 Jan 1889 in Tyre, Austin Township, Sanilac County, Michigan. Lydia was born about 1680 and died on 23 Nov 1763. Nancy married George Jordan on 19 May 1888. Famous Mayflower Descendants . Vice-President 5th great-grandson Ezra Pound Expatriate American Poet and Critic This tells us he was at least 21 years old, thus born in 1599 or earlier. Elizabeth Soule was born on April 2,1805 in Avon,Maine. Sarah married Adam Wright. Eliza married John Marr on 4 Jul 1878. John married Clemena L. Whitney on 3 Mar 1858. Cited in the media as the "best actress of her generation", Streep is particularly known for her versatility and accent adaptation. Committee on magistrates and deputies, [blank] October 1650 [PCR 11:155]. Volunteered for Pequot War, 7 June 1637 [PCR 1:60]. The more recent books have expanded to contain six generations, naming the seventh, and thus frequently reach into the early nineteenth century. Read more, is descended from Elizabeth Soule, Samuel W. Soules widow is mentioned twice in the London Ontario Free Press Index; In 1870 she sued GTR Co. for injury caused by negligence and won 500 pounds or dollars. Samuel married Mae Rebecca Thomas, daughter of William H. Thomas and Margaret Smith. 1 and 2 George Soule found in U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 George Soule found in American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) He and his wife were members of Regular Baptist Church in the town of Laurel Mich. Samuel married Selina Jane Driver, daughter of William Driver and Sarah Gillson. He was buried at Myles Standish Burial Ground in Duxbury, Massachusetts as his wife Mary had predeceased him in 1676. Grace was born on 30 Sep 1865. George Soule Family Tree (6542) - Famous Kin Mary was born on 17 May 1870 and died on 2 Apr 1925. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Isaac Allerton, Mary Norris, Degory Priest, Richard Warren, John Cooke, and Francis Cooke, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 April 12, 1945) was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States. David married Sarah Owen in Canada. Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person. George married at Plymouth, circa 1626, Mary/Marie Bucket who arrived on the Anne in 1623. Edmund was born about 1654. Records received by correspondence are usually reliable, but Ridlon's assigned lineages and interpretations of relationships are not always reliable. Lydia was born about 1661. . Rebecca married Edmund Weston on 13 Dec 1688. His plan provided for a deleggated and representive General Conference, which was subject to six restrictive rules, to have legislative authority for the denomination. Dedicated on August 1, 1889, it is thought to be the world's largest solid granite monument. Trending; . [8], More recent work in 2017 has identified the parents of George Soule through a high-quality Y-DNA match of Soule with families in Scotland and Australia. 353 of Peck,Mich. John was born on 14 Apr 1869 in Bingham Twp-Huron County, Michigan and died on 31 May 1961 in Bad Axe, Huron County, Michigan. On 23 July 1668, "G[e]orge Soule Senior of Duxburrow., planter, with the consent of Mary my wife," deeded to "Francis Walker husband to my daughter Elizabeth half my whole share of lands at Namassakett both upland and meadow" [MD 27:39-40, citing PCLR 3:126]. His arguments were so pertinent that the delegates resolved to suspend the enforcement of the resolution for four years. Mary was born about 1881. 99 - 101 Newbury St. | Boston, MA | 02116, USA, Honor your ancestors with a Pilgrim Quadricentennial Membership, Download a FREE article about finding your. He died before 22 June 1704, when his will is first mentioned in court. Lillian married Lyman Robert Tenniswood in 1906 in Elk Township, Sanilac County, Michigan. Read more, Rear Admiral Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. (November 18, 1923 July 21, 1998) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, test pilot, and businessman. On 20 March 1636/7 he was allowed the hay ground where he got hay the year before [PCR 1:56]. Allrightsreserved. His father George and brother John had to pay surety for Nathaniel's good behavior with he being bound for monies and to pay a fine. James Chilton. MARRIAGE: By 1627 MARY BUCKETT (in the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle George Soule had wife Mary and son Zachariah; Mary has been identified by many writers as Mary Buckett of the 1623 land division on that basis that no other Mary was available in the limited Plymouth population of the earliest years). 28 M ii. Joanna was born about 1683 and died before 8 May 1767. He died in probably Middleboro about 1701. His will named his sons Nathaniel, George and John, and daughters Elizabeth, Patience, Susannah and Mary. June 14, 2022. BENJAMIN SOULE, b. say 1649; fell with Capt. The Winslow family from which Edward was descended lived in the nearby parish of Kempsey, Co. Worcester, and it is probable that this early neighborhood association explains the apprenticeship of George Soule to the Governor. Home. Clarissa was born in 1783 and died on 16 Jul 1858 in Eustis Maine. About Me. by | Jun 30, 2022 | purplebricks houses for sale in kelso | are dogs allowed in sf city hall | Jun 30, 2022 | purplebricks houses for sale in kelso | are dogs allowed in sf city hall A book, Shipbuilding On North River,Plymounth Co. Mass. [36], George Soule made his will on 11 August 1677 and mentions his eldest son John "my eldest son John Soule and his family hath in my extreme old age and weakness been tender and careful of me and very helpful to me." George was born about 1864. (c1602 - c1679/80)Mayflower passenger 1620. Read more, is descended from Assessed 9s. Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. Aaron next married Orpan Waterman Ford on 18 Dec 1775 in Pembrooke. Famous Descendants MayflowerHistory.com Read more, is descended from Elizabeth married Robert Pafford on 17 Aug 1887. He was born in Bristol Maine, the fifth son of Joshua and Mary (Cushman) Soule. General Notes:William was a quiet man, a farmer and a Christian. In 1651 Bradford summed up the group headed by Winslow, saying that one of the servants died, "but his man, George Soule, is still living, and hath eight children" [Bradford 444]. 8 jna, 2022; bayside council clean up 2021; edelstahl grillrost rund Alex was born about 1867. Read more, is descended from View entire list of famous kin for George Soule. General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1980. Robert was born about 1866. William Bradford, James Chilton, Susanna Furner, Mary Chilton, and Francis Cooke, Jane Seymour Fonda (born December 21, 1937) is an American actress, writer, political activist, former fashion model and fitness guru. George Soule's origins have not been discovered. [31], Nathaniel may have caused the most colony trouble of any of his siblings. (This is present day London,Ontario, on the south bank of the Thames River and traversed by Plingnan's creek. After reaching manhood, Peregrine married Sarah Bassett, and if you are one of their descendants, you have a multitude of cousins. Bertha married Meriness Turpening on 25 Dec 1895. Moses married Mercy Southworth. Droitwich, the family home of the Winslows at that time, was a salt mining place connected in a business way with the Salters' Company of London in trade, and thus the Winslow-Soule association was extablished. Author Caleb Johnson estimates she married George Soule about 1625 or 1626. [26], Marie/Mary Buckett, wife of George Soule. Rachel married John Cobb on 5 Sep 1688. Check out the Mayflower descendants who are as famous as their pilgrim ancestors! Buy the print edition of The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to N.E. [9] Their eldest known son Johannes Sol is identified by his baptism in 1591, as well as by his permissions in both Haarlem and Leyden to marry in Leyden. She may have been about age 18 (born c. 1604) and appears to have traveled with some Alden relatives of her mother, or with members of the possible Warren family with whom she may have lived after the death of her father. The blog of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. DEATH: Between 20 September 1677 (codicil to will) and 22 January 1679[/80] (date of inventory), and probably closer to the latter date. Please note: The ancestor reports on this website have been compiled from thousands of different sources, many over 100 years old. Rosa was born about 1869 and died on 22 Sep 1941. It appears he was accompanied by the pregnant widow of his master and probably took with him the missing press of Brewster, as well as the telltale type and initials from Brewster; Raban also apparently took with him the Sol press and type. Three years later, on 5 June 1671, he was fined for "telling several lies which tended greatly to the hurt of the Colony in reference to some particulars about the Indians." Early life and family origin [ edit] Alexander Soule was born Dec. 8,1834 in Avon,Somerset County,Maine. This Mary was born about 1605 and fits the right age to have been on the Anne in 1623. 1620-1633 Vols I-III. Twenty years later Patience and her husband sold the Middleboro estate they had received from her father. Peter Browne. Lydia was born on 5 May 1713 in Duxbury, Massachusetts and died on 11 Nov 1771 in Pembrooke. [6], Earlier researchers into Soule's origin believed in the London association of Winslow and Soule. famous descendants of george soule - stratezen.com But John must have done well in his father's eyes since after his father's death, he did inherit the Duxbury estate. Orpan was born about 1707 and died on 15 Feb 1791 in Marshfield, Massachusetts. MARY SOULE, b. about 1643 (in 1653 bound out for seven years or eight if she did not marry [MD 1:214]); m. by 1665 John Peterson (eldest known child b. by about 1665[MFIP Soule 6]). Eleanor married Wallace Edibarn. [PCR 5:275, 8:175, 198]. Lydia married Jacob Ludden on 6 Feb 1805 in Turner, Maine. Read more. Arthur married Rosa Lena Burrell in Apr 1897. All Rights Reserved. George Soule Descendant database Abigail was born about 1749 in Prob. Who Are the Mayflower Descendants? - New England Today He returned in 1550 to Brussels but may have spent his last years, until about 1556, in the territory of Preussisch-Holland. (c1602 - c1679/80)Mayflower passenger 1620. (#6542) FamousKin.com. Abigail married John Leavitt on 17 Apr 1824 in Turner, Maine. He was on the list of purchasers [PCR 2: 177]. On 4 May 1658 George Soule was granted five acres of meadow [PCR 3:134]. Read more, is descended from One of the earliest volumes to appear (vol. He was brought up by his brother, Robert Soule of Selter Co. Johnson concludes by stating that the following could have put Mary Beckett hypothetically on the ship Anne sailing to America in 1623: the right age, associated with families of Mayflower surnames, within a family using the name Nathaniel, and could have had the opportunity to be transferred to another family that would eventually sail to America on the ship Anne. In 1640 he was granted meadow at Greens Harbor. In 1623, "Marie" Buckett, as a single woman, had received one acre of land. Soule did his work so well as the Father of the Constitution, that there had been only slight inclination on the part of Episcopal Methodism to devise new means of ecesiastical law making, subsequently, he affected the polity of Methodism by his views concerning the sub-iposcopate. In a codicil dated 20 September 1677, "G[e]orge Soule" indicated that if "my son John Soule" were to disturb "my daughter Patience or her heirs" in the peacable possession of lands he had given her in Middleborough, then "my gift to my son John Soule shall be void" and "my daughter Patience shall have all my lands at Duxburrey and she shall be my sole executrix and enter into my housing lands and meadows at Duxburrow" [MD 2:81-83, citing PCPR 4:1 :50]. William Brewster. Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of George Soule (c1601-c1679/1680) to other famous people. The headstones of Samuel White Soule, Elizabeth Soule and their daughter Mary are in the Tyre, Michigan Cemetary. George Soule "Silver Book" Project George Soule, II (c.1639 - 1704) - Genealogy - geni family tree SUSANNA SOULE, b. say 1642; m. by 1662 Francis West (eldest known child b. by 1662[MFIP Soule 5]). Located on an 11 acre hilltop site on Allerton Street in Plymouth, Massachusetts . George married Mary Becket. His inventory included "books" valued at i pound [MD 2:83]. This tells us he was at least 21 years old, thus born in 1599 or earlier. Zachariah Soule (1627-1663) 2. [30] As George Soule was probably born in 1601, and he would have had to wait to marry until released as Winslow's servant at age 25, the marriage of George and Mary was probably in 1626. General Notes:From the "Portrait & Biographical Album of Sanilac County" Alexander Soule,farmer and breeder of stock,section 13,Austin Township is the son of Samuel W. and Elizabeth Soule. Rebecca was born in 1804 in Phillips Maine. Mary Beckett came on the Anne and they were married in Plymouth. [35], George Soule's will was dated 11 August 1677, with a codicil dated 20 September 1677 and with the will proved in 1679. He married Margaret Ford by 1663, but had no recorded children. Publisher. William Bradford. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Thomas Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Richard Warren, William Brewster and his wife, Mary, Edward Doty, James Chilton, Susanna Furner, Mary Chilton, William White, Susanna Jackson, and Resolved White, Jordana Brewster (born April 26, 1980) is an American actress and model.