nj title 40 police promotions

Section 40:61-22.20 - Municipal control over beaches, etc., fees. Section 40:14-3 - Improvement of waterways; joint contracts. Section 40:56-55 - Correction without appeal. Section 40:44-16 - Publication of notice of ward boundaries. Section 40:45-7.2 - Arranging ballots for general election. Section 40:48-2.12t - Senior Citizen Priority Parking Program created by municipality. Terrence Mulligan, Lt. Jeff McCarrick, Sgt. Section 40:55D-8.8 - Applicability of section. Promotion of members and officers in certain municipalities Section 40:48B-4.1 - Contracts for joint provision of law enforcement services, Section 40:48B-4.2 - Merging of bargaining units, Section 40:48B-14 - Office of joint municipal tax assessor; establishment, Section 40:48B-15 - Appointment of joint municipal tax assessor, personnel; apportionment of operating costs, Section 40:48B-16 - Term; reappointment; removal, Section 40:48B-17 - Assessors holding office on effective date of this act, Section 40:48B-18 - Employees deemed employees of municipality having largest apportionment valuation on effective date of act, Section 40:48B-19 - Function of assessor; records, Section 40:48B-20 - Termination of joint agreement, Section 40:48B-21 - Applicability of Consolidated Municipal Service Act. Section 40:55D-14 - Effect of mailing notice. Section 40:37A-55.3 - Exercise of rights, powers or duties. Section 40:48-2.16 - Monument, memorial to commemorate service of armed forces. marjorie rubin harris / spectrum channel guide birmingham, al / nj title 40 police promotions. Section 40:55D-28 - Preparation; contents; modification. Section 40:48F-1 - Tax authorized, certain. Section 40:45-9 - Individual certificates of nomination. Section 40:48-2.51 - Penalty for violation of fee limits. New Jersey (Non-Civil Service/Title 40/NJ Chief's) Promotional Course Section 40:12-15.2 - Submission by county of proposition authorizing annual levy. Section 40:12-15.5 - Apportionment by county of amounts raised by taxation. Promotional Opportunities: Police. Section 40:37-95.13a - County park commissions, Section 40:37-95.14 - Right to acquire real estate and other property; grants by franchise, lease or contract, Section 40:37-95.15 - Power of eminent domain, Section 40:37-95.17 - Real estate owned by municipality; conveyance to county, Section 40:37-95.18 - Roadways; parkways; grade; alteration, Section 40:37-95.19 - Sale of land not required for park purposes; auction, Section 40:37-95.20 - Vacation of roadways and other ways, Section 40:37-95.21 - Rules and regulations; protection of parks; penalties, Section 40:37-95.22 - Adoption of act; referendum; notice, Section 40:37-95.24 - Adoption by majority vote; commissioners appointed within 90 days, Section 40:37-95.25 - Existing laws relating to county park systems, etc., not repealed, Section 40:37-95.26 - Office and expenses of commission, Section 40:37-95.28 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.30 - Adopted law immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.31 - Funds for land and improvements; limitation upon obligations, Section 40:37-95.33 - Submission of adoption of act to voters, Section 40:37-95.35 - Adopted act immediately operative, Section 40:37-95.36 - Disposition of lands by county park commission; resolution, Section 40:37-95.37 - Certification of resolution. ; civil service applicable to employees, Section 40:60-25.27 - Autobus terminals; power to establish; leases; conditions, Section 40:60-25.28 - Use of municipal property, Section 40:60-25.29 - Lands declared to be acquired and used for a public purpose; eminent domain, Section 40:60-25.30 - Private property; purchase or condemnation; bonds; construction cost a municipal charge; fees; rules and regulations, Section 40:60-25.31 - Property acquired to be self-supporting and taxable, Section 40:60-25.32 - Annual appropriations, Section 40:60-25.33 - Cemeteries which are public nuisances; acquisition by municipalities and boards of education, Section 40:60-25.34 - Cemeteries detrimental to public health or morals; possession by municipality, Section 40:60-25.36 - Use for park, school purposes or other public uses, Section 40:60-25.37 - Proceedings where church or other corporation controlling cemetery is unable or refuses to convey, Section 40:60-25.40 - Removal of bodies and reburial; records and maps, Section 40:60-25.41 - Taking of possession, Section 40:60-25.42 - Commissioners to appraise land; notice, Section 40:60-25.43 - Cost of removal of bodies and of new site; lien; payment of difference to lot owners, Section 40:60-25.44 - Report; objections; notice, Section 40:60-25.45 - Objections to report, Section 40:60-25.46 - Borrowing money; bonds, Section 40:60-25.51 - Acquisition of land and buildings for use by municipality, county, State or United States; courts; lease, Section 40:60-25.52 - Financing of acquisition and improvement; acquisition of facilities for use by county or courts, Section 40:60-25.53 - Historic sites; acquisition and maintenance, Section 40:60-25.54 - Acquisition of lands for future school sites; approval, Section 40:60-25.55 - Future school sites; use for public purpose pending conveyance to board of education, Section 40:60-25.56 - Consideration for conveyance to board of education, Section 40:60-25.57 - Acquisition of real property for use by State-operated college of medicine or college of medicine and dentistry, Section 40:60-25.58 - Declaration of taking; filing; deposit of estimated value; surrender of possession; notice; amount of compensation, Section 40:60-25.59 - Relocation assistance program; services, Section 40:60-25.60 - Payments to displaced persons, business concern or nonprofit organization, Section 40:60-25.61 - Abandoned burying ground or cemetery; application for order vesting title in municipality, Section 40:60-25.62 - Inquiry to locate owner; certification, Section 40:60-25.63 - Vesting of title in municipality, Section 40:60-25.64 - Maintaining and preserving burying ground or cemetery; interments; disinterments, Section 40:60-28 - Sale of vacated street land; advertisement unnecessary, Section 40:60-28.1 - Riparian lands purportedly dedicated as street; sale when not needed, Section 40:60-32 - Vacation of lands dedicated to public use other than a public street; referendum, Section 40:60-33 - Referendum; notice and publication, Section 40:60-34 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:60-35 - Fee restored to owner to be absolute, Section 40:60-36.1 - Lands restricted to beach and park purposes; retention or disposition; referendum; optional courses, Section 40:60-36.2 - Lands conveyed with conditions, limitations and restrictions; election on retention, Section 40:60-36.3 - Offer of reconveyance of lands conveyed with conditions and restrictions, Section 40:60-36.4 - Use of lands conveyed with conditions on refusal of offer of reconveyance, Section 40:60-40.6 - Reconveyance of unneeded lands to nonprofit hospital association, Section 40:60-40.7 - Persons whose residential improved property is to be acquired for highway or other public purposes; application to buy unneeded lands, Section 40:60-40.8 - Ordinance authorizing sale; price; terms and conditions, Section 40:60-40.9 - Contents of notice of pendency of ordinance resolution authorizing sale and conveyance; reversion of title, Section 40:60-41 - Public burial grounds devoted to other public uses; disinterment of bodies, Section 40:60-46 - Leasing municipally owned and operated casino and bathing establishment; referendum, Section 40:60-49 - Advertisement for bids; award, Section 40:60-49.1 - Lease of cultural centers; exemption of leasehold interest from taxation, Section 40:60-50 - Transfer of municipal property to federal government for national park, Section 40:60-51 - National park; referendum if voters protest. Section 40:56-84 - Annual budget; public hearing; amendment; adoption by municipal governing body, Section 40:56-85 - Annual licenses for business within special improvement district; fees; special account, Section 40:56-86 - Delegation of work by municipality; approval of work, Section 40:56-87 - Inclusion of pedestrian mall or special improvement district in other improvement or rehabilitation district. Section 40:10-11 - County, municipal appropriations for veterans' memorials, Section 40:10A-4 - Local historian; establishment of position by local government; reimbursement of expenses; appointment; term, Section 40:10A-5 - Vesting duties and responsibilities of local historian in chairperson of county cultural and heritage commission, Section 40:10A-6 - Local historian of county; assistance to municipalities, Section 40:10A-7 - Powers and responsibilities of local historian; annual report, Section 40:10A-8 - Employment of clerical assistants, Section 40:10B-2 - Legislative findings and declarations, Section 40:10B-3 - Historic cemeteries; restoration, maintenance or preservation by county or municipality; appropriations. You're all set! Section 40:66-1.2 - Definitions relative to solid waste collection services for multifamily dwellings. Section 40:54A-7 - Tolls, rents, fees, etc. Section 40:37A-55.2 - Prevailing wage rate for workers employed on projects with county improvement authority involvement. Section 40:55D-38.1 - Solar panels not included in certain calculations relative to approval of subdivisions, site plans. Section 40:66A-6 - Acquisition of facilities. Section 40:14A-7 - Sewerage authority a public body corporate; powers. Section 40:12-15.7 - Submission by municipality of proposition authorizing annual levy. Section 40:37-11.7 - County park commission to maintain Internet website or webpage; contents. Evening sessions are held from 5:30pm - 9:30pm. Section 40:37-95.41 - Powers of park police. Section 40:54-29.17 - Raising of sum needed, quarterly payments. This website was designed to provide as much information as possible about your Police Department and to make access to our services easier and more user friendly. Section 40:14B-40.1 - Findings, declarations relative to infrastructure maintenance. Section 40:69A-206 - Charters, amendments and supplements superseded; existing ordinances and resolutions remain in force where not inconsistent, Section 40:69A-207 - Offices abolished on effective date of plan; administrative code, Section 40:69A-207.1 - Local industrial commissions; continuance or reestablishment, Section 40:69A-208 - Appointments between election and time of taking office under optional plan; pending actions and proceedings, Section 40:69A-208.1 - Continuance of charter adopted prior to Jan. 9, 1982 of municipality with mayor-council plan, Section 40:69A-208.2 - Continuance of charter adopted prior to Jan. 9, 1982 of municipality with council-manager plan, Section 40:69A-208.3 - Continuance of charter adopted prior to Jan. 9, 1982 of municipality with small municipality plan, Section 40:70-3 - Municipalities governed hereby, Section 40:71-2 - Clerk to call election; notice, Section 40:71-3 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:71-4 - Conduct of election; results certified to clerk, Section 40:71-5 - Clerk to certify results; contents of certificate, Section 40:71-6 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:71-7 - If majority against adoption no petition for certain period, Section 40:71-8 - Corporate existence and name continued, Section 40:71-9 - Elective and appointive officers' terms cease; boards abolished; exception, Section 40:71-9.1 - Boards of fire commissioners in townships, Section 40:71-10 - Inconsistent laws inapplicable; laws relating to municipal courts unaffected, Section 40:71-11 - Educational system unaffected, Section 40:72-1.1 - Municipality with board of three commissioners; additional commissioners; petition, ordinance and referendum, Section 40:72-1.2 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:72-1.3 - Vote required for adoption; amendment and repeal, Section 40:72-2 - All powers vested in board of commissioners, Section 40:72-3 - General powers; power to pass ordinances for specific purposes, Section 40:72-4 - Department; distribution of powers, Section 40:72-5 - Jurisdiction of commission over departments and officers thereof, Section 40:72-6 - Commissioners assigned to departments, Section 40:72-6.1 - Assignment of departmental powers and duties in counties of first and second class, Section 40:72-7 - Subordinate boards and officers; appointment and removal, Section 40:72-9 - Appointment of deputy by director in second class cities and certain fourth class cities, Section 40:72-10 - Mayor; selection; no veto power, Section 40:72-12 - Director of finance; when to act as mayor, Section 40:72-13 - Regular and special meetings; open to public; minutes, Section 40:72-14 - Quorum; voting; vote recorded in minutes, Section 40:72-16 - Board first elected may revise and add to appropriations, Section 40:72-18 - Use of fees received from water rents, Section 40:72-19 - Power to construct convention halls in cities, Section 40:73-1 - Qualifications sole test for election, appointment, Section 40:73-2 - No officer or employee to be interested in contracts, Section 40:73-3 - No officer or employee to receive free service; exceptions, Section 40:73-4 - Certain acts forbidden; penalties, Section 40:73-5 - Appointments in second-class cities in certain years; restriction, Section 40:73-6 - Salaries of officers and employees; exceptions, Section 40:73-8 - Application of laws relating to municipal boards of recreation commissioners, Section 40:73-9 - Borough under 5000; tax collector or treasurer; waiver of residency requirements, Section 40:74-1 - Certain ordinances and resolutions filed upon passage; ordinance required in certain cases, Section 40:74-2 - Enacting clause; suits for penalties, Section 40:74-3 - Record of ordinances; commissioners to sign record, Section 40:74-4 - Effective date of ordinances; emergency ordinances excepted, Section 40:74-5 - Remonstrance against ordinance; petition; reconsideration; referendum; vote required for adoption, Section 40:74-6 - Petition; law applicable, Section 40:74-7 - Board may submit ordinances of own volition; several questions submitted, Section 40:74-8 - When submission unnecessary, Section 40:74-9 - Ordinances proposed by petition; procedure, Section 40:74-11 - Petition; signatures; verification, Section 40:74-12 - Clerk to examine petition; notice of insufficiency; amendment and refiling, Section 40:74-13 - Clerk to examine amended petition; new petition; submission to board, Section 40:74-14 - Duty of board on submission of ordinance; submission to voters; withdrawal of petition, Section 40:74-15 - Several ordinances submitted together; number of elections limited, Section 40:74-16 - Notice of election when ordinance or proposition submitted to voters, Section 40:74-17 - Ballot; form and content. EDISON - The township celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the Edison Police Department last week with the promotion of 40 officers - three captains, 12 lieutenants and 25 sergeants - the. Section 40:55D-144 - Characteristics of sending zone. Section 40:66A-26 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits. NJSACOP 40A:14-129 and -130, police promotions to "superior position [s]" within such police departments are restricted to officers who have served in those departments for at least three years. Section 40:81-3 - Members elected at large, Section 40:81-4 - Members of first council; election and terms. NJ Police Chiefs reply: Promotions are based on merit, they say Section 40:54D-14.1 - Tourism assessment funds; use, Section 40:54D-15 - Imposition of tourism development fee, Section 40:54D-17 - Remitting, reporting of fees paid, appropriation to authority, Section 40:54D-18 - "The Tourism Improvement and Development Authority.". Promotions Lead to New Deputy Chief, Captains and Sergeants - TAPinto Section 40:55D-12.3 - Application of subsection h. Section 40:55D-12.4 - Notice to military facility commander from municipality. However, the Federal Air Marshal Service does have problems that need federal retirement annuity and a federal law enforcement salary at . Section 40:14B-22.3 - Utilities authority, reduced fees for certain affordable housing projects. Police chief: Relaxing N.J. Civil Service rules would help departments TITLE SCOPE: A defined group of job titles used as a factor in determining eligibility for promotional examinations, and may also include educational, experience, and other specific requirements. Section 40:9D-6 - Due diligence required prior to contract. Section 40:55D-150 - Formal comments, recommendation of county planning board. Section 40:67-16.6 - Limiting use of streets to certain classes of vehicles, Section 40:67-16.7 - Temporary closing of streets for ingress and egress to school or for provision of recreational facilities, Section 40:67-16.8 - Approval of regulation by director of division of motor vehicles, Section 40:67-16.9 - Closing of street for preservation of public safety, health or welfare; authorization by governing body by ordinance; regulations, Section 40:67-16.10 - Ordinances and regulations; approval, Section 40:67-17 - Statues and memorials erected upon public streets, Section 40:67-18 - Spanish American war monuments; municipal contribution, Section 40:67-19 - Vacation of streets and places dedicated but not accepted; ordinance; notice and hearing, Section 40:67-20 - Abandonment of plans to open or widen streets; disposition of lands, Section 40:67-21 - Vacation of streets and places; recording; copy as evidence, Section 40:67-22 - Vacation of streets and public places between March 11, 1920, and March 11, 1922; recording; copy as evidence, Section 40:67-22.1 - Payment for vacating street, Section 40:67-23 - Return of taxes paid on certain streets, Section 40:67-23.1 - Road, street services, Section 40:67-23.3 - Municipality to reimburse private community for services or provide services, Section 40:67-23.4 - Private community to pay insurance riders, Section 40:67-23.5 - Use of municipal reimbursement to pay for services, Section 40:67-23.6 - Schedule for reimbursement for portion of cost, Section 40:67-23.7 - Acceptance for public use if conforms to municipal specifications, Section 40:67-23.8 - Additional services; repeal of ordinance; prior agreements to remain in effect, Section 40:67-26 - Passage of ordinances; subsequent proceedings by resolution; supervision by county, Section 40:67-27 - Contract with county; advertisement for bids unnecessary, Section 40:67-28 - Assessment for benefits; bonds and improvement certificates, Section 40:67-29 - Highways may be connected by tunnels; approaches, Section 40:67-31 - Location of tunnel and approaches; right of entry upon lands, Section 40:67-32 - Acquisition of necessary land; damages to land compensated, Section 40:67-33 - Contract with landowners to build tunnel; contribution by; streets vacated, Section 40:67-34 - Statement of cost and damages filed, Section 40:67-35 - Tunnel considered general improvement, Section 40:67-47 - Release or extinction of public right in canal or canal bed not used for twenty years, Section 40:67-48 - Filing copy of ordinance; evidence, Section 40:68-1 - Acquisition of land; reclamation and improvement of land, Section 40:68-2 - Contracts; plans, specifications, advertisement and bids, Section 40:68-3 - Lease of improvements; terms; lessee's bond; use of improvement by others, Section 40:68-4 - Ordinances relating to water fronts, Section 40:68-5 - Acquisition of railroads and equipment connecting with water front improvements, Section 40:68-6 - Operation of railroad by municipality; lease to corporation, Section 40:68-7 - Income from improvements and railway; use of; annual deficits, Section 40:68-8 - Funds for supervision and control of improvements and ferries, Section 40:68-9 - Officers, agents and employees, Section 40:68-10 - Annual report; contents; filing, Section 40:68-11 - Powers conferred deemed additional, Section 40:68-12 - Private wharves or other improvements; license for construction; application; procedure, Section 40:68-13 - Failure to obtain license; effect; penalty; duration of license, Section 40:68-14 - Removal of obstruction from wharves; procedure on failure of owner, Section 40:68-15 - Persons aggrieved may petition court; procedure, Section 40:68-16 - Municipal appropriation to assist federal government in protecting water front, Section 40:68-17 - "Port authority" defined, Section 40:68-18 - "Marine terminal" defined, Section 40:68-20 - Powers appurtenant to establishment and maintenance of marine terminals, Section 40:68-21 - Use of income; issuance of bonds and other obligations, Section 40:68-22 - Local harbor and water front commission; creation; members; appointment; term, Section 40:68-24 - Governing body approval required, Section 40:68-25 - Dedicated revenues; applicability of section 40:2-18, Section 40:68-27 - Establishment of district; ordinance; special election, Section 40:68-28 - Beach erosion control commission; establishment, Section 40:68-29 - Election of commissioners; term, Section 40:68-30 - Vacancies; special election; term, Section 40:68-31 - Petition for nomination, Section 40:68-32 - Verification of petition, Section 40:68-34 - Ballots; form and content; advertisement of election, Section 40:68-35 - Judge of election; teller; compensation, Section 40:68-36 - Registry list; persons entitled to vote, Section 40:68-37 - Polls; hours open; record of persons voting, Section 40:68-38 - Counting of votes; certification of results; forwarding to municipal clerk; announcement of results, Section 40:68-39 - Oaths; meeting; election of officers; acts of majority, Section 40:68-41 - Entry upon lands or waters to make surveys, borings, sounding and examinations; condemnation; compensation, Section 40:68-42 - Bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness; issuance; limitation, Section 40:68-44 - Issuance of notes, bonds or other evidence of indebtedness according to Local Bond Law; purchase of bonds by municipality, Section 40:68-45 - Appropriation of moneys; loans or donations to district, Section 40:68-47 - Payment of moneys to district treasurer, Section 40:68-50 - Dissolution of district; debts and obligations; property; resolution as evidence, Section 40:68-52 - Removal of district members; grounds; hearing, Section 40:68A-2 - Declaration of public interest and policy of state, Section 40:68A-4 - Port authority; creation by municipalities; membership, filing of ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:68A-5 - Members of port authority; powers; terms; expenses; officers, agents and authorities; civil service, Section 40:68A-6 - Acquisition of property, Section 40:68A-7 - Port authority as political subdivision; powers, Section 40:68A-7.1 - Audit of accounts of port authority annually; filing, Section 40:68A-7.2 - Certified copies of bond resolutions and bond proceedings; filing, Section 40:68A-9 - Appropriations by local units, Section 40:68A-11 - Interim certificates; temporary bonds or other instruments, Section 40:68A-12 - Notice as to time for bringing actions questioning validity, Section 40:68A-13 - Negotiability of bonds or obligations, Section 40:68A-14 - Provisions of bond resolutions, Section 40:68A-15 - Default in payment of bonds; trustees; appointment; powers; receiver, Section 40:68A-16 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of state or local unit, Section 40:68A-17 - Real property; acquisition; condemnation, Section 40:68A-18 - Service charge with regard to real property; interest; lien; enforcement; collection, Section 40:68A-19 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to port authority; permit, Section 40:68A-20 - Public bodies to pay service charges, Section 40:68A-21 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of port facilities; exemptions, Section 40:68A-22 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:68A-23 - Property as public property; bonds declared issued by political subdivision; bonds exempt from taxation, Section 40:68A-24 - Pledge of State to bondholders, Section 40:68A-25 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits, Section 40:68A-26 - Competitive activities, Section 40:68A-27 - Liberal construction; regulation of port authorities, Section 40:68A-30 - Declaration of public interest and policy, Section 40:68A-32 - Municipal port authority; creation by municipalities; membership; terms; vacancies, Section 40:68A-33 - Officers, agents and employees; civil service, Section 40:68A-34 - Powers vested in members; quorum, Section 40:68A-35 - Reimbursement for expenses; compensation for services, Section 40:68A-36 - Interest of members, officers or employees in property or contracts, Section 40:68A-38 - Dissolution of municipal port authority; vesting of property in municipality, Section 40:68A-39 - Purpose of municipal port authority, Section 40:68A-40 - Municipal port authority as political subdivision; powers, Section 40:68A-42 - Schedule of facility charges, Section 40:68A-43 - Powers of municipalities; finances; ordinance.