ALIGN YOURSELF WITH GOD. The traditional Bible chronology based on Thieles harmonization of the Hebrew kings and the Rohl chronology for Egypt are incorrect. 12 gates in that map is still remain today? Your interpretation of a verse does not make it any more the word of God than does mine. Nehemiah told their enemies, "The God of heaven will give us success. 22After him the priests, the men of the surrounding area, made repairs. 2 And next unto him builded the men of Jericho. The work was hard and the enemies made it more difficult by mocking and threatening the Jews and Nehemiah. They will be captured by many false competing Churches and charlatan Prophets around us. Cyruss decree which started contruction of the temple. Its is the literal and symbolic event which marked Jerusalems restoration. Appoint guards from among the inhabitants of Jerusalem, some at their watch-posts, and others before their own houses. 4The city was wide and large, but the people within it were few and no houses had been built. Now, I had never been sad in his presence before. Nehemiah: rebuilding and remembering - OverviewBible 22I also said to the people at that time, Let every man and his servant pass the night inside Jerusalem, so that they may be a guard for us by night and may labour by day. 23So neither I nor my brothers nor my servants nor the men of the guard who followed me ever took off our clothes; each kept his weapon in his right hand. Only this time the Christian chronologists have removed the contextual necessity of association between the command given by YHWH and the 2nd year of Darius even- Artaxerxes. Why did Nehemiah build a wall around Jerusalem? They said, "We're with you. Darius Hystaspes checks the records and confirms that in fact Cyruss did issue a decree and therefore the contruction could go on. Although Newton believed the early messianic expectants based their counting from the 1st year of Cyrus, it is more likely as Davidson noted, the 2nd year of Darius Hystaspes which was the basis for the chronological errors that crept into the early rabbinic chronology. As athletes engage with Scripture, they . Virtually any citizen of the ancient world could tick off three reasons why a wall was far more than just a pile of rocks. No, this was by no means a wall of Nehemiah, no rebuild per se, yet it did show evidence of repair. Neither can be made to match the biblical record. 4When I heard these words I sat down and wept, and mourned for days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven. Give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man! 492BCE minus 490 years leaves us at the Birth of Christ at 2BCE!! Zechariah 1:12 Then the angel of YHWH answered and said, O YHWH of hosts, how long wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years? Nehemiah served as the kings cupbearer (Nehemiah 1:11), which evidently put him in a position to speak to the king and request favors from him. It is during 62 sevens that the wall and the street were built again. 3They replied, The survivors there in the province who escaped captivity are in great trouble and shame; the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been destroyed by fire.. Nehemiah served as the kings cupbearer (Nehemiah 1:11), which evidently put him in a position to speak to the king and request favors from him. Since Ezra and Nehemyah were together in Yerushalayim at some point (Ezra 8:9) it is unlikely to have been a different Artakhashast in each story. They are appropriate here again: Ezra 6:14 14 And the elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. [] hidden behind weed-like wildflowers that grew out of cracks in the wall. The ruins on the Western Hill were not occupied again until the Hellenistic period of Alexander the Great. Each issue of Biblical Archaeology Review features lavishly illustrated and easy-to-understand articles such as: Fascinating finds from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament periods, The latest scholarship by the world's greatest archaeologists and distinguished scholars, Stunning color photographs, informative maps, and diagrams, Reviews of the latest books on biblical archaeology, 45+ years of Biblical Archaeology Review, 20+ years of Bible Review online, providing critical interpretations of biblical texts. Thats too big a price to pay. Daniel 9:25 is tied to the 490 weeks of years when Nehemiah restored the walls in Jerusalem. It is in Hebrew , Nemyh, "Yah comforts". 30After him Hananiah son of Shelemiah and Hanun sixth son of Zalaph repaired another section. I will not go in! 12Then I perceived and saw that God had not sent him at all, but he had pronounced the prophecy against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him. Will you please drop me a mail? The walls were built between 1535 and 1538, when Jerusalem was part of the Ottoman Empire, by the order of Suleiman I. Nehemiah 4-6. Nothing else would qualify. Still, they are incorrect.Dan Bruce, The Prophecy Society. 15So I went up by way of the valley by night and inspected the wall. Notice it went backwards in time? 7But when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabs and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites heard that the repairing of the walls of Jerusalem was going forward and the gaps were beginning to be closed, they were very angry, 8and all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause confusion in it. Israel is not serving God as of now and so time is not calculated because of that. Well, there you have it, thats how I see it anyway . It would mean they would have to admit the redactions. One of the powerful messages of Nehemiah is how much you can accomplish when you align yourself with the will and plan of God. There is certainly a lot to learn about this subject. Joiakim was the son of Jeshua the high priest. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.' When [Nehemiah] heard these things, [he] sat down and wept" (Nehemiah 1:3). Answer (1 of 3): Re your query: Did Nehemiah rebuild the temple? FREE ebook: Israel: An Archaeological Journey. Ezra 6:14 And the elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. The prophecy fits his advent exactly., [] study is all about destiny and reversal of destiny. The third edition of the Biblical Archaeology Societys widely-acclaimed Ancient Israel: From Abraham to the Destruction of the Temple serves as an authoritative history of ancient Israel. 15So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days. This evidence of God's blessing encourages the Jews and is a terrific blow to the self-confidence of their enemies. The first thing they did was use the weapon of mocking. How did Nehemiah rebuild the walls? In the reign of King Artaxerxes, Scribe Ezra, was authorised to take charge of the Jewish nation. I wonder if there might be some significance to the notion that it took 52 days to complete. This company acts as an image bank/agency they own, or represent photographers (and artists, if recent), with regard to copyright. Dig into more than 9,000 articles in the Biblical Archaeology Societys vast library plus much morewith an All-Access pass. After each failed attempt a new Artaxerxes was chosen in order to make the prophecy work. 16Indeed, I devoted myself to the work on this wall, and acquired no land; and all my servants were gathered there for the work. So this is how it works Foto Marburg has plenty of Abrahams, Davids, Jesuses (Jesi?) If you count the years backwards you will find the 70 years of divine anger began at the departure of the Shekinah from the temple as described in Ezekiel. At the time, I was cupbearer to the king. Thanks a lot and I am taking a look ahead to contact you. Why should my face not be sad, when the city, the place of my ancestors graves, lies waste, and its gates have been destroyed by fire? 4Then the king said to me, What do you request? So I prayed to the God of heaven. I have read your theory and I do understand your position. It is the bedrock foundation upon which Jerusalems restoration began. Our God will fight for us.. This interpretation fits the 70 weeks in all ways. Daniyel 9:25 says that the first seven shavuim begin min motsa davar in Daniyels own lifetime, whenever his supplications began (naturally, when the Temple was destroyed). I think he has placed Israel History in proper date chronology. 16From that day on, half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and body-armour; and the leaders posted themselves behind the whole house of Judah, 17who were building the wall. He also urged them to set up guards to defend against the constant threat of those who opposed their efforts, including the armies of Samaria, the Ammonites and the Ashdodites. And next to them builded Zaccur the son of Imri. 21So we laboured at the work, and half of them held the spears from break of dawn until the stars came out. Often asked: How Long Did Nehemiah Wait To Build The Wall? Reversing these often repeated, monstrous trends of history is Gods hand unparalleled among ANY people to demonstrate His glory. * Both men worked together to restore the city and rededicate its people to God. Then they said, Let us start building! So they committed themselves to the common good. By hand. According to a story, Nehemiah, a high official in the Persian court of King Artaxerxes I at the capital city of Susa, was very troubled that there was no wall to protect his beloved city of Jerusalem, its walls and gates. 14Remember Tobiah and Sanballat, O my God, according to these things that they did, and also the prophetess Noadiah and the rest of the prophets who wanted to make me afraid. The traditional Bible chronology based on Thieles harmonization of the Hebrew kings and the Rohl chronology that shortens the chronology of Egypt are incorrect. One side is built on the. Then after the 62 7- sevens the Messiah is cut off. He is even given letters from the king to ensure safe passage and to obtain timber from the kings forest for the gates and walls of Jerusalem. Why is a broken-down wall such a big deal? I would also like to address a comment regarding Yeshu, the Roman Fabrication. Yeshua being a Roman fabrication is as reasonable and historically accurate as those who say Israel is a British one. Did Nehemiah rebuild the temple? - Quora After him Meshullam son of Berechiah made repairs opposite his living quarters. Contextually there is no evidence for another Artaxerxes who was instrumental in getting the temple builded and finished by the 6th year as stated in Ezra 6. 5Now our flesh is the same as that of our kindred; our children are the same as their children; and yet we are forcing our sons and daughters to be slaves, and some of our daughters have been ravished; we are powerless, and our fields and vineyards now belong to others.. Nehemiah 4:6 So we rebuilt the wall until all of it was joined together 18Now that which was prepared for one day was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and every ten days skins of wine in abundance; yet with all this I did not demand the food allowance of the governor, because of the heavy burden of labour on the people. What does the wall represent in Nehemiah? 14Then I went on to the Fountain Gate and to the Kings Pool; but there was no place for the animal I was riding to continue. Notice then what YHWH says in verse 16: I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies: my house shall built in it, saith YHWH of hosts, and a line shall be stretched forth upon Jerusalem.. 17Then I said to them, You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burnt. In the twelfth chapter, the word days was used to indicate Day(s) of Atonement. I assume you are talking about Daniel 12:11-13, which says the following: 11 And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days. However, there is a world of difference between an artists own title to his work and the labeling of a picture hundreds of years later without any proof of the artists original intention. 10When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard this, it displeased them greatly that someone had come to seek the welfare of the people of Israel. Very good study. Nehemiah 2:20 'The God of heaven will give us success. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, so that we may no longer suffer disgrace. 18I told them that the hand of my God had been gracious upon me, and also the words that the king had spoken to me. Our lives are in ruin and we co-exist under the [], It is interesting reading thoughts, theories and views expressed by all posted on this page from 2012 to 2014. It will represent the belief that He is alive, listening and able to respond. Nehemiah | Jewish leader - Encyclopedia Britannica Nehemiah brought all the Levites to Jerusalem for the inauguration. 19And I said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, The work is great and widely spread out, and we are separated far from one another on the wall. . Jesus is "the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" ( John 1:29 ). Nehemiah was cup-bearer to Artaxerxes. The workers built the walls in only 52 days. Thats not true if you hold to Chronicles and Kings you can see some major discrepencies. Let us stop this taking of interest. 10Moreover, I and my brothers and my servants are lending them money and grain. In 1535, when Jerusalem was part of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan Suleiman I ordered the ruined city walls to be rebuilt . And the plot thickens If the Artaxerxes of Nehemiah references Darius son of Hystaspes their minimum age would have been 66 years. Seek Gods knowledge now!! A wall built for Gods Glory Nehemiah depicts the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah's Wall & Gates were finished in 52 days on Elul 25; which holds the mysteries of the 12 levels of Consciousness through the restored gates of the soul and its cycle. He expounded and enforced the Law of God. Now the king had sent officers of the army and cavalry with me. Nehemiah - The Greatest Story Ever 15And Shallum son of Col-hozeh, ruler of the district of Mizpah, repaired the Fountain Gate; he rebuilt it and covered it and set up its doors, its bolts, and its bars; and he built the wall of the Pool of Shelah of the kings garden, as far as the stairs that go down from the City of David. And rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days. Video lectures from world-renowned experts. Put in your recipe box or binder and keep the card template you used on 7You have also set up prophets to proclaim in Jerusalem concerning you, There is a king in Judah! And now it will be reported to the king according to these words. Ezra 6 ends with completion of the temple in the 6th year of Darius even- Artaxerxes. Respectfully, Nathaniel, you are incorrect in your interpretation. YHWHs house is the heart of Jerusalem, without its completion nothing else matters. 12Then I got up during the night, I and a few men with me; I told no one what my God had put into my heart to do for Jerusalem. I think Isaac Newtons explanation gets the closest: They seem to have grounded their opinion on the 70 weeks, which they reckoned form the 1st year of Cyrus. COPYRIGHT 2023 BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #343, Washington DC 20015-2604. It was God's work and He protected His people and they completed the wall in 52 days. Read about Nadav Naamans examination of the Biblical and archaeological evidence for King Davids Palace and the Millo in Bible History Daily. Ill stick with what the biblical text states, that the key time-location events are the decree of Caesar in 44 BCE and the building of the broad place and moat in 43 BCE. If the Artaxerxes of Nehemiah is Longimanus then this would mean those chiefs of their fathers were at the most conservative estimation, 122 years old. 7After thinking it over, I brought charges against the nobles and the officials; I said to them, You are all taking interest from your own people. And I called a great assembly to deal with them, 8and said to them, As far as we were able, we have bought back our Jewish kindred who had been sold to other nations; but now you are selling your own kin, who must then be bought back by us! They were silent, and could not find a word to say. Your theory is very interesting, but based on these statements alone, I cannot justify the 70 weeks referring to 70 years (or 70 Shavuot). But Nehemiah avoids their traps, ignores their threats, and refuses to hide when threatened by assassination. When a mother walks into our care, there is a sense of urgency: a baby is coming and I can only stay so long. @ Willaim If you can make that translation fit history, more power to you. Joshua & Zerubbabel restarted construction but their enemies lodge a protest with Darius Hystaspes. Nehemiah and the people rebuilt 10 city gates. Before the seven Pentecosts begin, the tower gate with its broad place and the wall with its trench in front that were destroyed by Pompey in 63 BCE will have been rebuilt (from my book Lifting the Veil on the Book of Daniel, page 92, or see full discussion at ). Of all of the English translations of Daniel 9:25, Youngs Literal Translation is perhaps the best (but still imperfect), saying And thou dost know, and dost consider wisely, from the going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem till Messiah the Leader [is] seven weeks, and sixty and two weeks: the broad place hath been built again, and the rampart, even in the distress of the times. A good fulfillment paraphrase of verse 25, substituting real events and real names from history for the biblical language, would read something like this: Observe with your eyes and calculate with your mind, that after the issuance of the decree by Julius Caesar to Hyrcanus II, high priest and ethnarch (the anointed one-prince) of the Jews, restoring him to rule in Jerusalem (the first restoration) and granting him permission to rebuild its fortifications, until his repatriation from Parthia to Jerusalem by Herod (the second restoration), there will be seven Pentecosts, followed by sixty-two Pentecosts. He is even given letters from the king to ensure safe passage and to obtain timber from the kings forest for the gates and walls of Jerusalem. There is only ONE expert.the God of the Bible. Despite the free time, which is a rarity in my life, beautiful breezy weather and a book I cant stop reading, my mood was, lets put it nicely, stormy. Both I and my family have sinned. The Gates Of Jerusalem in Nehemiah's Day - Israel My Glory Symbolically, it mightve made more sense for the building of the wall to take place over the course of 312 days [i.e. 10 GATES TO GET CLOSE TO GOD - CrossLife Church This cycle is hinted at in 52 days of 52 weeks to complete the 360 degree cycle of the soul. Most significant were its cracks, which [], [] I was having one of those days. 1The words of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah. The Second Reason: Water Neatly tucked away in the eastern slope of the City of David is the entrance to the ancient Jebusite passageway leading to the Gihon Spring. 9Next to them Rephaiah son of Hur, ruler of half the district of Jerusalem, made repairs.